Open Science Symposium 2023


Michael Dougherty

Michael Dougherty

Department Chair, Psychology
University of Maryland


Michael Dougherty is Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland. His research focuses on the nexus of decision-making, attention, and memory. His non-research time is spent managing the 3rd largest major on campus with a shoestring budget, making lemonade from lemons, convincing faculty that their committee time was well spent, and making ice cream.
A good day is when his ‘research’ self meets his ‘non-research’ self to make data-informed decisions, develop sensible policies, and improve the academic and research culture of his department.

More Information:
Talks at this conference:
 13:15 Aligning Incentives with Institutional Values ! Live
 13:45 Panelist Q&A 3 ! Live
