Communities and Programs

Pittsburgh DH has many overlapping universities, programs, labs, groups, and other communities. A selection are listed here. Members of missing communities are encouraged to contribute via the github link at the bottom of the page.

Coordinating Bodies

There are several coordinating DH bodies in Pittsburgh, which are usually the best place to go first if you’re looking for more information.

  • PGH|DH: A loose collaboration between CMU, Pitt, and occassionally other institutions for coordinating resources such as calendars.
  • dSHARP: A CMU campus-wide consortium dedicated to coordinating digitally-inflected events and research around campus.
  • DHRX: A cross-campus faculty research network designed to highlight innovative, digitally-focused academic work at the University of Pittsburgh.
  • DMAP: Pitt English Department’s Digital Media and Pedagogy initiative, facilitating departmental experimentation, connection, and collaboration with digital tools and methods.
  • Center for the Digital Text: Pitt-Greensburg’s center dedicated to faculty training, outreach, and student education.


Several institutions around the city actively engage in DH work, with constituents often showing up at each other’s events. Because institutions engage in quite a few activities, and most cannot be summarized, the list below is merely indicative of local involvement.

Training Programs & Departments

A student in Pittsburgh has a variety of opportunities for receiving degrees and certificates in DH and DH-inflected programs, including:

  • CMU English Department: CMU’s English Department is home to much DH research. Undergraduates can pursue a Humanities Analytics (HumAn) minor through this department.
  • CMU IDeATe: The Integrative Design, Arts, and Technology network at Carnegie Mellon, offers undergraduate minors and courses in Game Design, Animation & Special Effects, Media Design, Sonic Arts, Design for Learning, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Intelligent Environments, and Physical Computing. A number of courses offered through IDeATe are within the DH remit.
  • Pitt Digital Studies & Methods Certificate: Pitt graduates students can pursue a certificate in Digital Studies & Methods, to acquire a proactive, mindful engagement with digital methods in the humanities and allied social sciences.
  • Pitt Digital Media Certificate: Pitt’s College of General Studies offers an undergraduate Digital Media Certificate, introducing students to the power of multimedia content—written, audio, and visual—and how it can be used to communicate with and persuade audiences.
  • Pitt-Greensburg Digital Studies Certificate: Undergraduates at Pitt-Greensburg can pursue a certificate in Digital Studies, combing digital media design, coding for the web, and applied research in the digital humanities.

Research Groups

  • The Laboratory for Social Minds at CMU: Studies the present and past of the human species to better understand its future.
  • The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at CMU: A laboratory for atypical, anti-disciplinary, and inter-institutional research at the intersections of arts, science, technology and culture.
  • Visual Media Workshop at Pitt: A humanities lab focused on the investigation of material and visual culture—whether historical or contemporary—in an environment that encourages technological experimentation.
  • More coming soon

Other Communities

Coming soon

Last updated: September 12, 2019