Global Resources

Those within and outside of Pittsburgh will find Global Resources useful for getting involved in DH.

In Educational Resources, you will find Textbooks with which you can teach yourself, and Online Courses for guided instruction. DH has a rich array of Short Institutes and Workshops for those looking for a week or two of intensive training with an instructor. For anyone interested in pursuing undergraduate or graduate DH work, check out our list of international Undergraduate Programs, Certificates, and MA/PhD Programs.

To participate in the DH community, you’ll want to know the Conferences, Journals, Scholarly Organizations, and Online Communities.

Use the Job Markets Advice page to learn more about the DH job market process in general, and the Job Boards to find recent job ads that might help you shape your training curriculum for the next several years. The Hiring Surveys, coming soon, are responses to a survey by people who are in positions to hire digital humanists.

Once you have begun pursuing research, check out the list of Grants and Fellowships available for DH initiatives. Those just starting in DH might want to explore who has received such funding, and for what purposes.

How peer review and credit works for DH is still in active debate. Find a list of resources to learn more at Evaluating Digital Work.

Last updated: September 12, 2019