Archives, Museums & the Digital Humanities

This video examines the Charles “Teenie” Harris photography archive of the Carnegie Museum of Art. The museum staff turned to digital humanities methods to digitize and catalog the 80,000+ photographs in the collection, making them easily accessible for public browsing and use. The project used crowdsourcing to enhance and revise the materials by asking those who had been identified in photos to provide their recollections, which were then used to improve the searching and cataloging algorithms.

Further Reading and Resources

Digital History, Digital Art History, Digital Public History, Digital Editions

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Dominique Luster is the endowed Charles “Teenie” Harris Archivist at the Carnegie Museum of Art. Teenie Harris was a self-taught African-American photographer whose record of Pittsburgh life in the mid-20th century consists of almost 80,000 images. Luster’s work with the Harris Archive includes innovative uses of information and computational archival science for public engagement. Additionally, Luster’s research looks at various historiographical approaches to culturally competent, racially conscious archival practices.

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Last updated: August 29, 2019