Stylometry and Authorship Analysis
This video discusses the question of authorship attribution and shows how stylometry and machine learning have been able to prove the true authorship of documents. It describes the process of using the tool JGAAP, which proved that Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling also wrote the Robert Galbraith detective novel The Cuckoo’s Calling.
Further Reading and Resources
- Stamatatos, Efstathios. A Survey of Modern Authorship Attribution Methods, 60 J. AM. SOC’Y FOR INFORMATION SCI. & TECHNOLOGY 538, 540-41. (2009).
- Koppel, Moshe, Jonathan Schler, & Shlomo Argamon, Computational Methods in Authorship Attribution, 60 J. ASS’N FOR INFORMATION SCI. & TECHNOLOGY 9, 9-26 (2009).
- Juola, Patrick. Authorship Attribution, 1:3 FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS® IN INFORMATION RETRIEVAL 233, 233-34 (2008).
- Juola, Patrick. The Rowling Case: A Proposed Standard Analytic Protocol for Authorship Questions, 30 DIGITAL SCHOLARSHIP IN THE HUMANITIES, Supplement I, i100 (2015).
- Juola, Patrick. Rowling and ‘Galbraith’: An Authorial Analysis LANGUAGE LOG (July 16, 2013, 7:35AM).
- Chaski, Carole E. Who’s at the Keyboard? Authorship Attribution in Digital Evidence Investigations, 4 INT’L J. DIGITAL EVID. 1 (2005).
- Binongo, Jose Nilo G. Who Wrote the 15th Book of Oz? An Application of Multivariate Analysis to Authorship Attribution, 16 CHANCE 9 (2003).
- Coulthard, Malcolm. Powerful Evidence for the Defense: An Exercise in Forensic Discourse Analysis, in LANGUAGE AND THE LAW 414 (John Gibbons ed., 1994).
Machine Learning,
Digital Forensics,
Computational Linguistics,
Corpus Linguistics
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Patrick Juola (who hates writing about himself in the third person) is a computational linguist, stylometrist, digital humanist and forensic scientist. He is currently Professor of Computer Science at Duquesne University. He is best known for his identification of J.K. Rowling as the true author of Robert Galbraith’s The Cuckoo’s Calling, but was also principal violist of the Holmdel Symphony Orchestra in Holmdel, NJ.
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