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Collaborating with GitHub

Hosted by the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Libraries

About this workshop

If you are interested in creating and collaborating on remote repositories on GitHub, this workshop is for you if you are a beginner or just seeking to refine your skills. GitHub is a cloud-based platform for open and collaborative software development and version control using Git. Topics covered will include pushing/pulling changes to files in a local repository to GitHub, making copies of public repositories to modify, and collaboratively pushing changes to a common repository shared among workshop participants.


Sarah Young
Principal Librarian
Office: 109G, Hunt Library

Chasz Griego
Science and Engineering Librarian
Office: 4416, Sorrells Library

Lencia Beltran
Open Science Program Coordinator
Office: 4416, Sorrells Library

Learning Objectives

Workshop attendees will be able to:

  1. Understand the advantages of remote repositories
  2. Create a repository on GitHub
  3. Fork and contribute to a public repository
  4. Add code from a computer to GitHub


To be best prepared for this workshop, please create a GitHub account prior to attending.

Interactive Notepad

During the workshop, you can ask and answer questions in this Etherpad, a notepad for live collaboration.

Pre-Workshop Survey

Before the start of the workshop, please complete this survey. Thank you!!


Section Time
Setup and Pre-Workshop Survey  
Overview of GitHub 00:00
Creating a Repository and Adding Files 00:10
Updating a README 00:30
Forking and Modifying Public Repositories 00:40
Break 01:00
Hosting Jupyter Notebooks on GitHub 01:05
Post-Workshop Survey 01:25
Finish 01:30


Click on the slides then press CTRL+Shift+F for full screen

Post-Workshop Survey

Please complete this survey after attending the workshop. Thank you!!!


The material for this workshop was inspired from the Version Control with Git curriculum developed by The Software Carpentry Foundation of The Carpentries licensed under CC-BY 4.0