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Advanced Research Note-Taking with Obsidian

This workshop will introduce Obsidian, a markdown-based note-taking app that helps you organize your personal knowledge base. We will demonstrate how to create and edit markdown files to easily format your notes, then dive in to several of the functions and plug-ins in Obsidian that makes it easier for you to organize, link, and search your recorded thoughts. Finally, we will demonstrate how you can link Obsidian to Zotero to help you connect research notes to items in your bibliography.


Chasz Griego
Science & Engineering Librarian
Office: 4410, Sorrells Library

Learning Objectives

Workshop attendees will be able to:

  1. Create and format notes with markdown
  2. Link and tag Obsidian notes
  3. Install and use community plugins in Obsidian
  4. Sync a Zotero library to Obsidian


To be best prepared for these workshops, please download and install Obsidian, Zotero, and Better BibTeX for Zotero prior to attending.

Pre-Workshop Survey

Before the start of the workshop, please complete this survey. Thank you!!

Goal of this Workshop

The goal of this workshop is to introduce users to a tool that organizes their personal notes or notes related to research. This workshop will show many of the advanced functionalities offered in Obsidian and outline a workflow to sync a Zotero library with Obsidian, so that notes can be directly linked to entries in a bibliography.


Post-Workshop Survey

Please complete this survey after attending the workshop. Thank you in advance!!!

Table of contents