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Introduction to Command Line Interface

This is a hands-on introduction to using the command line interface. This workshop is designed for those who are beginning their exploration into command line programming and anyone seeking to refresh their skills. Command line interface (CLI) is a quick and efficient way to perform computing tasks. A few of the topics that will be introduced include navigating the directory structure, commonly used commands, working with files and directories, and more. For this workshop you’ll need access to Bash Shell. If you use MacOS or Linux then you should have Bash already installed. For those on Windows OS you may need to install a bash shell. Git Bash installation is one option for installing Bash Shell.

Date: March 14, 2023
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Virtual Workshop - This is a virtual event. A URL to participate will be sent via a reminder email 24 hours before the event.


Lencia Beltran
Open Science Program Coordinator
Office: 4416, Sorrells Library

Goals of this Workshop

The goal of this workshop is to introduce beginner users of the command line interface to basic concepts and commands for navigating and working with files and directories. Learners will understand how to move around their directories using commands like pwd, cd, and ls; work with directories to create new directories, and access the text editor, including moving, making copies, and removing files; use pipe and filters to view word counts, filter files using sort and cat and combine commands.


To be best prepared for this workshop, please follow the setup instructions prior to attending.

Section Time
Exploring Files and Directories 10:00
Working with Files and Directories 10:40
Pipes & Filters 11:20
Survey 11:50
Wrap-up 12:00

Post-Workshop Survey

Please complete this survey after attending the workshop. Thank you in advance!!!

Table of contents