Introduction to R Part 2
This 2-part introductory workshop aims to teach basic concepts, skills, and tools for working with data in R so that you can get more done in less time, and apply concepts of reproducibility to your research. This is an introduction to R designed for participants with no programming experience. Part 1 of the workshop covers basic information about R syntax and the RStudio interface, including installing packages and working with vectors. Part 2 will cover importing CSV files, working with dataframes, how to deal with factors, how to add/remove rows and columns using the popular dplyr package, and how to calculate summary statistics from a data frame. Taking Part 1 and Part 2 is encouraged, but optional.
Learners should bring a laptop and should already have installed R and RStudio on their computer. Installation and set-up instructions, as well as a detailed curriculum for the workshop can be downloaded here.
After this workshop, you’ll be able to:
- Install packages and load libraries in R.
- Import a dataset and use tidyverse functions to explore dataset attributes.
- Create subsets of dataframes.
- Work with categorical variables in R.
- Use the dplyr package to select columns and filter rows.
- Use the dplyr package to perform various operations on a dataframe such as creating new variables, splitting and combining data, and summarizing data.
- Use pipes in R to string together a series of steps.
- Export a data set from R Studio.
Here are the slides for both part 1 and part 2.
Table of contents
- Importing and inspecting dataframes
- Indexing and subsetting dataframes
- Factors
- Data wrangling with dplyr
- Exporting data
- Additional resources