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Making the Most with Jupyter Lab and Notebooks

Are you new to using Jupyter Lab and Notebooks? Or have you used these platforms before but want to learn more about them? Then come check out this workshop! This workshop is designed to be an introduction to Jupyter Lab and Notebooks. Some of the topics that will be covered include: how to access these platforms, an overview of platform features like hotkeys and magic commands, the basics of using markdown, publishing notebooks on the web, and how to use and display interactive figures.


Chasz Griego
Science and Engineering Librarian
Office: 4410, Sorrells Library

Lencia Beltran
Open Science Project Coordinator
Office: 4416, Sorrells Library


To be best prepared for this workshop, please follow the setup instructions prior to attending.

At the end of the workshop, we will provide a demo on how to move Jupyter notebooks to the web. If you are interested in doing this yourself, we recommend that you create a GitHub account using a reliable email address, and download a recent version of Git to your laptop.


Section Time
Navigating JupyterLab 01:30
Markdown and Magic Commands 01:45
Displaying Media 02:05
Break 01:55
Interactive Plots 02:30
Workshop Survey 02:45
Moving Notebooks to the Web 03:15
Finish 03:30

Accessing the Curriculum

See the concepts covered in this workshop as a Jupyter Notebook on nbviewer:


Or work through the course content in JupyterLab on Binder:
