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Working with vectors

Vectors and data types

A vector is the most common and basic data type in R. A vector is composed of a series of values, which can be either numbers or characters. We can assign a series of values to a vector using the c() function.

For example we can create a vector of the number of household members for the households weÕve interviewed and assign it to a new object hh_members:

hh_members  <. c(3,  7,  10, 6)  
[1]  3  7  10  6  

A vector can also contain characters. For example, we can have a vector of the building material used to construct our interview respondentsÕ walls (respondent_wall_type):

respondent_wall_type <-c("muddaub", "burntbricks", "sunbricks") 
[1] "muddaub" "burntbricks" "sunbricks" 

The quotes around muddaub, etc. are essential here. Without the quotes, R will assume there are objects called muddaub, burntbricks and sunbricks. Since these objects don’t exist in R’s memory, there will be an error message.

There are many functions that allow you to inspect the content of a vector. length() tells you how many elements are in a particular vector:

[1] 4 
[1] 3 

An important feature of a vector is that all of the elements are the same type of data. The function class() indicates the class (the type of element) of an object:

[1] "numeric" 
[1] "character" 

The function str() provides an overview of the structure of an object and its elements. It is a useful function when working with large and complex objects:

num [1:4] 3 7 10 6 
chr [1:3] "muddaub" "burntbricks" "sunbricks"

You can also use the c() function to add other elements to your vector:

possessions <-c("bicycle", "radio", "television") 
possessions <-c(possessions, "mobile_phone") # add to the end of the 
possessions <-c("car", possessions) # add to the beginning of the 
[1] "car" "bicycle" "radio" "television" "mobile_phone" 

In the first line, we take the original vector possessions, add the value “mobile_phone” to the end of it, and save the result back into possessions. Then we add the value “car” to the beginning, again saving the result back into possessions.

We can do this over and over again to grow a vector, or assemble a dataset. You can check the type of your vector using the typeof() function and inputting your vector as the argument.

Vectors are one of the many data structures that R uses. Other important ones are lists (list), matrices (matrix), data frames (data.frame), factors (factor) and arrays (array).

Exercise 1

We’ve seen that atomic vectors can be of type character, numeric (or double), integer, and logical. But what happens if we try to mix these types in a single vector?

Exercise 2

What will happen in each of these examples? (hint: use class() to check the data type of your objects):

num_char <- c(1, 2, 3, "a") 
num_logical <- c(1, 2, 3, TRUE) 
char_logical <- c("a", "b", "c", TRUE) 
tricky <- c(1, 2, 3, "4") 

Why do you think it happens?

Exercise 3

How many values in combined_logical are “TRUE” (as a character) in the following example:

num_logical <- c(1, 2, 3, TRUE) 
char_logical <- c("a", "b", "c", TRUE) 
combined_logical <- c(num_logical, char_logical) 

You’ve probably noticed that objects of different types get converted into a single, shared type within a vector. In R, we call converting objects from one class into another class coercion. These conversions happen according to a hierarchy, whereby some types get preferentially coerced into other types.

Subsetting vectors

If we want to extract one or several values from a vector, we must provide one or several indices in square brackets. For instance:

respondent_wall_type <- c("muddaub", "burntbricks", "sunbricks") 
[1] "burntbricks" respondent_wall_type[c(3, 2)] 
[1] "sunbricks" "burntbricks" 

We can also repeat the indices to create an object with more elements than the original one:

more_respondent_wall_type <- respondent_wall_type[c(1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3)] m
[1] "muddaub" "burntbricks" "sunbricks" "burntbricks" "muddaub" 
[6] "sunbricks" 

R indices start at 1. Programming languages like Fortran, MATLAB, Julia, and R start counting at 1, because that’s what human beings typically do. Languages in the C family (including C++, Java, Perl, and Python) count from 0 because that’s simpler for computers to do.

Conditional subsetting

Another common way of subsetting is by using a logical vector. TRUE will select the element with the same index, while FALSE will not:

hh_members <- c(3, 7, 10, 6) 
hh_members[c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)] 
[1] 310 6 

Typically, these logical vectors are not typed by hand, but are the output of other functions or logical tests. For instance, if you wanted to select only the values above 5:

hh_members > 5 # will return logicals with TRUE for the indices that meet the condition 
## so we can use this to select only the values above 5 
hh_members[hh_members > 5] 
[1] 710 6 

You can combine multiple tests using & (both conditions are true,AND) or | (at least one of the conditions is true, OR):

hh_members[hh_members < 4 | hh_members > 7] 
[1] 3 10 
hh_members[hh_members >= 7 & hh_members == 3] 

Here, < stands for less than, > for greater than, >= for greater than or equal to, and == for equal to. The double equal sign == is a test for numerical equality between the left and right hand sides, and should not be confused with the single = sign, which performs variable assignment (similar to <-).

A common task is to search for certain strings in a vector. One could use the or operator to test for equality to multiple values, but this can quickly become tedious.
possessions <-c("car", "bicycle", "radio", "television", "mobile_phone") 
possessions[possessions == "car" | possessions == "bicycle"] # returns both car and bicycle 
[1] "car" "bicycle"

The function %in% allows you to test if any of the elements of a search vector (on the left hand side) are found in the target vector (on the right hand side):

possessions %in% c("car", "bicycle") 

Note that the output is the same length as the search vector on the left hand side, because %in% checks whether each element of the search vector is found somewhere in the target vector. Thus, you can use %in% to select the elements in the search vector that appear in your target vector:

possessions %in% c("car", "bicycle", "motorcycle", "truck", "boat", "bus") 
possessions[possessions %in% c("car", "bicycle", "motorcycle", "truck", "boat", "bus")] 
[1] "car" "bicycle"