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Part 2: Plotting and Analyzing Tabular Datasets

In the second part of the 3-part workshop series, “Introduction to Python for Data Science,” we demonstrate beginner Python programming techniques using the Pandas library to read tabular datasets, perform simple analyses, and visualize data. The content covered in this workshop will be a continuation of the content covered in part 1, “Introduction to Basic Programming with Data”. We highly encourage attending the first part of the workshop series before this workshop, especially for learners that are new to the Python programming language.


Chasz Griego
Science and Engineering Librarian
Office: 4410, Sorrells Library

Learning Objectives

Workshop attendees will be able to:

  1. Import and use modules from standard Python libraries
  2. Read a tabular dataset into Python
  3. Select subsets of data from a DataFrame
  4. Create plots with data in Python


To be best prepared for this workshop, please follow the setup instructions prior to attending.

Interactive Notepad

During the workshop, you can ask and answer questions in this Etherpad, a notepad for live collaboration.

Pre-Workshop Survey

Before the start of the workshop, please complete this survey. Thank you!!


Section Time
Setup and Pre-Workshop Survey  
Libraries 00:00
Reading Tabular Data into DataFrames 00:25
Break 00:55
Pandas Dataframes 01:00
Plotting 01:30
Post-Workshop Survey 01:55
Finish 02:00

Interactive Curriculum

Click the Binder badge below to work through the course content in JupyterLab.


Post-Workshop Survey

Please complete this survey after attending the workshop. Thank you in advance!!!

Table of contents