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Encapsulating Reproducible Computational Research with Code Ocean

Hosted by the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Libraries

Code Ocean Logo

About this workshop

Code Ocean is a cloud-based platform for creating, organizing, and sharing reproducible computational research environments. In this workshop, we will show you how to create a “Capsule” for a computational research project. We will demonstrate how to organize data, code, and results in a Capsule, create a reproducible snapshot of a software environment for a variety of programming languages and libraries (including Python, R, MATLAB, and Julia), and create metadata to prepare your project for publication and enhanced discoverability. This workshop is open to anyway that is interested in computational reproducibility. No prior experience with a programming language is required, but we encourage participants to attend with a project in mind, so that they are able to immediately utilize this platform.


Chasz Griego
Science and Engineering Librarian

Learning Objectives

Workshop attendees will be able to:

  1. Produce and share reproducible research code
  2. Create a computational capsule on Code Ocean
  3. Preserve a computational environment in a Dockerfile
  4. Publish reproducible computational research on Code Ocean

Pre-Workshop Survey

Before the start of the workshop, please complete this survey. Thank you!!


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Post-Workshop Survey

Please complete this survey after attending the workshop. Thank you in advance!!!